Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Pleasant Morning

This morning was the kind of morning I envisioned having when I first became a parent. A morning full of errands and activity, but also including just pleasant moments enjoying each other's company. The only thing that could have been better would have been some hugs and kisses or hysterical giggling, but I'm not being picky!
After breakfast, Natalie and I played for about half an hour. This included Natalie going to her craft table and saying “Nana card.” So, we picked out a pink piece of paper and some stickers to make Nana a card. She also did lots of great scribbling with a green piece of side walk chalk. She chose Blue’s Clues stickers, so after we were finished with the card, she asked to watch the show. We watched an episode as we got ready to go out.

We left at 815 for our 830 doctor’s appointment. The only news at the doctor’s office was that Dr Lewis (Dr Collard is on vacation; Dr Lewis is the woman I saw when in the hospital) asked if anyone had said about how big William is. I said no, and I hadn’t thought to ask. Somehow the conversation veered before she made a prediction, but she was very surprised to hear that Natalie was 8 lbs. After the appointment, I wanted to kill a little time, so we went downstairs to Dunkin Donuts where we shared some OJ and Natalie had one jelly Munchkin. Next, we went to look in the gift shop since we’d never done that before, but it is so small and cramped that lasted about a minute, so we did a diaper change and left. But, to kill a few more minutes, we left through the main entrance and walked around to the car. It was very nice out for a short little walk. (I hate the Maine winters as much as the next person, but I really wish that it never got much warmer than 75).

By this point, it was a little after 9, and we headed over to Sunnyside Park. We were the only people there not part of the day camp program. Natalie immediately wanted to get on a swing, this time the red baby swing. I pushed her in that for at least 20 minutes. She listened and watched the two big kids next to her. When they said numbers, she counted. When one of them said she was getting a kitten, Natalie laughed. She leaned back and looked at me and enjoyed looking at the sky.

When she saw me go in our bad to check the time, she wanted a snack. We went over to a bench and shared a banana, but I had to throw half of it away because it got a little crushed in our bag. Natalie also had a juice box, which she is really starting to get the hang of. It was very nice just stilling on a shady bench with her holding her juice box as she drank. Next, Natalie wanted to see what the big kids were doing, which was getting ready to play a rowdy game on the hard top. Luckily, I talked her out of hanging around and she went on the yellow swing for a while. She didn’t want to leave the park and whined a little, but didn’t put up a big fight.

We got back into the car and drove to the library. On the walk to the door, a loud German Shepherd scared her from inside a parked car and she cowarded against my leg. I don't blame her one bit! I scooped her up before she got upset and we went inside. She went up all of both flights of stairs without holding my hand! She used either the wall or the banister on the first set, and then her hands on the steps on the second set. At the top of each flight she said “I did it!” She wanted to go into story time right away, but the door was locked because we were a few minutes early. So, we went to the bathroom and she washed her hands. She stayed in the story room for at least ten minutes even though the door was open. She pointed out that the girl sitting next to use had glasses (very cool purple ones, in fact) and worked on making friends with a smaller toddler across the room. Then, she wandered around the children's room. Near the end of story time, she started saying “diapee change” over and over and went to the bath room door, so we did that. After a few more minutes of playing, we walked back down the stairs (holding my hand this time) and checked out. She stayed right by me in line without me having to pick her up! Then we walked back to the car and came home for lunch.

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